FREE Publicity For Your Business!
Have you tried advertising and found you don’t get good return on your investment.
For most serviced based businesses (including business coaching) adverts don’t work that well.
What else could you try?
Interestingly, a while back our local paper decided to run a monthly business news section. This was a place were you can have a small write up of any news in regards to your business.
I decided I would have the following, genuine offer, in the next issue:
FREE Business Coaching: Business Coach, Lisa Branigan of Quantum Coaching is offering local business women a FREE 60-minute coaching session plus a week of ongoing email support valued at $95.00.
Lisa will work with you to increase your client base, raise profits, lower costs, effectively manage your time and enjoy work/life balance.
Contact Lisa on 0439 828 594 or
In the past an advert may have resulted in one client. This is a terrible return on the $400 the advert cost. So I wasn’t expecting much from my “business news” but as it was free it was also no loss.
I am surprised at the results.
In four days, after the paper came out, I had one phone call enquiry, an invitation from a bank to business women’s networking meeting, two email inquires and three people I saw while shopping mentioned they saw the paper and questioned me further about what I do.
One was my local librarian who said though she didn’t need my services she knows who to use as a referral point if she knows anyone that does. These are just the people who have contacted me so far and who have mentioned they saw my news.
So what can you do to promote your business without cost?
Is there a business news section in your local paper? What about your local school or community group, do they allow free “news” in their newsletters. How else can you get free publicity for your business?
Other ideas that I have found useful:
Website link swapping
Writing articles (place them on free internet article databases)
Press release of an achievement or special offer
Speak at groups and get a write up before and after the event
Become a columnist or have articles featured in print
Speak on radio
Have your own free newsletter that people can sign up for.
Write for others who have your same target market
Free samples in conference bags
Networking events (but there are secrets to effectively networking!)
Other ideas from Google:
Teach an adult education class
Use free advertising websites
Start a discussion group, seminar series, book club, wine tasting club or other type of group that can meet to talk about your products or services.
Make deals with other small business owners to display one another’s products, advertise on one another’s Web sites, and so on.
Create an award and present it to someone who is notable to your demographic group and has some connection with your industry.
Free samples or free service demonstrations.
What else can you think of to get your brand out there? Search Google for other free business marketing ideas.
Business Coach, Lisa Branigan hosts FREE teleconference calls and workshops to help women in business see why business planning gets you more clients and how to make the process less painful and easier!
Book your FREE teleconference place now:
"How Business Planning Attracts More Clients"